I think I am missing something in my understanding of basic pattern matching.
For example, when I test the pattern:
:testpattern (switchtopic)switchtopic
where “switchtopic” is just my own made up string literal. However, the match failed.
Here is the trace:
Incoming data- henry | aimee | :testpattern (switchtopic)switchtopic
Original Input: switchtopic
Tokenized Input: switchtopic
Spellchecked Input: switch topic
1: switch raw= ~mainverb ~verb_infinitive ~verb switch ~tool ~controllers ~artifacts ~objects ~nouns
. . . . , ~disable ~alter_functionality_verbs ~affect_object_verbs ~animate_verbs ~verbs ~substitute
. . . . , interchange~5 exchange~12 shift~11 shift~13 switch~12 flip~12 swop~2 //
1: switch canonical= ~childword //
2: topic raw= ~mainobject ~noun ~noun_singular ~noun_bits topic ~focus matter~5 content~2 knowledge~1
. . . . , psychological_feature~1 abstraction~1 entity~1 ~nounroot subject~6 substance~5 communication~1 //
2: topic canonical= ~childword //
Tagged POS 2 words: switch (MAINVERB Verb_infinitive) topic (MAINOBJECT Noun_singular)
MainSentence: switch topic PRESENT
he= she= he-she= it=topic they= here= there=
. ( switchtopic Failed
Here is another test that also failed:
:testpattern (a1b2c3)a1b2c3
Incoming data- henry | aimee | :testpattern (a1b2c3)a1b2c3
Original Input: a1b2c3
Tokenized Input: a1b2c3
1: a1b2c3 raw= ~mainverb ~noun ~noun_singular ~noun_bits //
1: unknown-word canonical= unknown-word //
Tagged POS 1 words: a1b2c3/unknown-word (MAINVERB Noun_singular)
MainSentence: a1b2c3 PRESENT
he= she= he-she= it=a1b2c3 they= here= there=
. ( a1b2c3 Failed