Hello, My name is Eric and I am new to Chatscript.
I found out about it last weekend and I have studied the manual, tutorial, and the files. I have a plan to make a server based chat bot but I have a few topics I would like to discuss. I plan to make it so anyone can talk to the chat bot and have the bot get to know individuals “personally”.
First, I would like to know if chatscript has the ability to automatically log in a user. Whenever chatscript starts up, instead of asking for a user login I want it to login automatically to an account named “unknown”. From that
After the user opens chatscript and it logs in as unknown I want the user to say something like… “My name is…” and chatscript will create a new user profile under the users name, a table for any facts the user tells the chat bot about themself, and finnaly logs them in under the new account. After this if the user revisits the site or opens up the application then they can “log in” or Chatscript will automatically remember them, based on preference.
Can you help me? any advice?