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ChatScript commands not supported? 

Hi I’m just starting out with Chatscript and I have a few questions that I can’t seem to be able to find an answer to anywhere. I am running on Linux and I have ChatScript 2.3.

I have started the server by making the LinuxChatScript32 file executable and lunching it. I have then lunched the client using “LinuxChatScript32 client=localhost:1024” in a different terminal window. Now, when I am running thru any of the topics in the tutorial or anything I have tried writing myself, there are some commands I can’t seem to get working.

Trace - doing “:trace all” or even putting that into the topic file doesn’t seem to actually make any difference to my terminal output on the client nor the server. (I have also tried “:trace” and “:trace ~<my_topic>”) Am I doing something wrong?

Stats - typing in “:stats” into the client does not print out anything on the client and on the server is says “Unknown command”.

Variables - When going thru the topics that set variables, typing “:variables” does not return anything on the client or server. However, I am certain that the variables are actually set as I can see their value being printed out by some rules.

Thank you,


  [ # 1 ]

I’m sorry. The testing commands ( :xxxxx )  are only intended to work on a stand-alone system.

They output data via printf, not the normal chatbot output channel.  So in a server configuration they would be outputing on the server side, and if you were really running a server, you could have the server console flooded with the stuff.
I don’t currently see any need for them to work in server mode.  You can try to convince me otherwise.


  [ # 2 ]

Hi Bruce,

Thanks for getting back to me. Running things in local mode explains a lot. Don’t know why I didn’t try that first. Everything now seems to be working fine except the :stats command.

HARRY:   (~introductionsSay something
: > :stats
Unknown command 
:   (~introductionsSay something 

Any advice?



  [ # 3 ]

I removed :stat from the system a while ago.
The existing full set of test commands can be displayed from :help.


  [ # 4 ]

Ok, great. Thanks.


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