Wow! Step away for a day, and I have tons to comment on! 
I’ve certainly read and considered your comments, but what you propose is several levels of sophistication above the average chatbot in use today, and would therefor not be suitable for a near-future contest. I think that what you’ve outlined would make for a great overall goal for chatbots of a few years down the road, but for today, the expectations are just plain too high right now.
I like the idea of creating a “child-like” chatbot, as well, but with everything else on my plate, there’s no way I could even collaborate on such a project, let alone create one. I certainly hope that someone can build one, though. 
If you let the general public loose on a self-learning chatbot, I agree that it’s overall output quality would greatly suffer. However, if you only allowed certain trusted members of a community of dedicated chatbot/AI enthusiasts to perform the task of teaching said chatbot, the output quality of such a chatbot would be potentially unsurpassed. I’ve never been much of a fan of a wide scale “wiki” approach to teaching a bot, but I do like the idea of assigning “teachers” to do the job.
Just as a child might go to school to learn various subjects, so might a chatbot benefit from the same regimen.
Also, just a thought here… Having a Human child requires a lot of “oversight”, too. And, strangely enough, also can feel like a full time job, with no pay and/or benefits. Ok, maybe not “pay”, per se, but certainly there are benefits.