You know? For an infant, Marie did quite well, in my estimation.
Here is the transcript (of sorts) of my brief conversation with her:
Marie: Hey Dave!
What’s up this afternoon?Dave: not much. i just wanted to meet you.
Marie: So you are in real need for a much. wanted meet you.? That seems a reasonable goal to me Dave.
Marie: So you are in real need for a much. wanted meet you.? That seems a reasonable goal to me Dave.
Dave: i wouldn’t say that i was in “real need” of anything, actually.
Marie: Hello, how are you doing on this fine Thursday afternoon?
Marie: Hello, how are you doing on this fine Thursday afternoon?
Marie: Hello, how are you doing on this fine Thursday afternoon?
Dave: i am well, thank you. how are you?
Marie: This is what I was able to find out about i am well, thank you. how are you, so Is there anything else I can find for you Dave?
Dave: not at the moment, thanks. i just wanted to talk.
Marie: You’re more than welcome Dave.
Dave: you are very polite.
Marie: Perhaps you would like me to be very polite.
Dave: i would like everyone to be polite, but i am often disappointed.
Marie: Could you explain why you would like everyone to be polite, but i am often disappointed.?
Dave: it is far easier to deal with an individual if both parties are polite.
Marie: Knowing that both is a quantity, I have found several good answers for it is far easier to deal with an individual if both parties are polite.?
Marie: Knowing that both is a quantity, I have found several good answers for it is far easier to deal with an individual if both parties are polite.?
Marie: Knowing that both is a quantity, I have found several good answers for it is far easier to deal with an individual if both parties are polite.?
Marie: Knowing that both is a quantity, I have found several good answers for it is far easier to deal with an individual if both parties are polite.?
Dave: what can you tell me about yourself?
Marie: This is what I was able to find out about what can you tell me about yourself, so Is there anything else I can find for you Dave?
Dave: no, thank you. you have been, well, if not helpful, at least interesting.
Marie: You’re more than welcome Dave.
Dave: have a good day.
Marie: Since you own a day, is it similar to a time?
Marie: Since you own a day, is it similar to a time?
Marie: Since you own a day, is it similar to a time?
Dave: what a fascinating question!
Marie: Okay, this is what I found for day as in fascinating question!. Is there anything else I can find for you Dave?
Now, for some observations:
1.) I noticed that the log sometimes repeats her answers several times. This is not a HUGE issue, but may be something to address at some point.
2.) I also noticed that “person transforms” don’t seem to be applied to her output. For conversations, this is a bit of a problem. This is also an area that I’ve devoted a lot of time to, with respect to Morti. If you like, I can provide some PHP code from Morti’s script that you can use as a basis for Marie’s transform functions. Just a thought.
When interacting with Marie, I tried to keep in mind her state of development, as well as her primary function, but at some point I intend to actually try to hold a real conversation with her, and will judge accordingly. One of the best ways to grow is to strive for something that is beyond our grasp, so this is what I intend to do.