In the file I added a createfact line under the defaultbot table so it looks like this.
table: defaultbot (^name)
^createfact(^name defaultbot defaultbot)
^createfact(bob eat fish)
I then have a a very simple file I created:
topic: ~introductions noerase repeat []
t: [Hello][Hi][Hey], My name is Ava. Is there any way I can help you today?
u: GENERAL (have a question) [Ask away.] [How can I help?] [What do you need to know?]
?: fact_test (Does bob eat fish) ^query(direct_svo bob eat fish) Yes Bob eats fish.
?: fact_test2 (what does _*1 eat)
^query(direct_sv ‘_0 eat ?)
Bob eats @0object.
I have the reference in a files2.txt file.
When I ask “I have a question” I get my random responses as expected so I know it’s reading the files (I also see them in the build command)
When I ask “does bob eat fish?” I get “HARRY: I don’t know what to say.”
On Windows I do get the correct response of “Yes Bob eats fish.”
I did look in the TOPICS/facts1.txt file and I do see the facts:
( harry defaultbot defaultbot )
( bob eat fish )
I’m using version 1.99. Any ideas?