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Linux vs Windows issue

In the file I added a createfact line under the defaultbot table so it looks like this.

table: defaultbot (^name)
^createfact(^name defaultbot defaultbot)
^createfact(bob eat fish)

I then have a a very simple file I created:

topic: ~introductions noerase repeat []
t: [Hello][Hi][Hey], My name is Ava.  Is there any way I can help you today?
u: GENERAL (have a question) [Ask away.] [How can I help?]  [What do you need to know?]

?: fact_test (Does bob eat fish) ^query(direct_svo bob eat fish) Yes Bob eats fish.
?: fact_test2 (what does _*1 eat)
          ^query(direct_sv ‘_0 eat ?)
          Bob eats @0object.


I have the reference in a files2.txt file.

When I ask “I have a question” I get my random responses as expected so I know it’s reading the files (I also see them in the build command)

When I ask “does bob eat fish?” I get “HARRY:  I don’t know what to say.”

On Windows I do get the correct response of “Yes Bob eats fish.”

I did look in the TOPICS/facts1.txt file and I do see the facts:
( harry defaultbot defaultbot )
( bob eat fish )

I’m using version 1.99.  Any ideas?




  [ # 1 ]

hmmm….. not immediately. I can’t get to debugging it immediately (I dont normally reside on Linux and have a bunch of things happening right now), might be a couple of days.
You could do the following….
run under windows.  just before you say “does bob eat fish”, do   :trace -1.  Then erase the “log” file of your user in USERS (not the topic file or fact file).  Then execute your input (which will dump a trace of what happened).

You could send THAT to me (gowilcox gmail) or you repeat the experiment under windows, send me both logs or do a DIFF on the logs and see the moment they vary. Might be informative.  Anyway, I will debug it by running the trace on Linux and reading it to see where it failed. Then I will know where to look or breakpoint or whatever.


  [ # 2 ]

This may be the issue I reported on the Java plugin thread. The reason you see it in Linux is because you run it in server mode only while on Windows you run it on embedded client+server mode.

It seems to me that once a specific botname is sent to the server, then that seems to be set to the default and subsequent invocations with botname unset still refer to the just set name.
To simulate:
Start a server
Run client and login as ‘a’, ask what is your name and answer is Harry (as expected, since Harry is default)
Kill this client Ctrl-C
Run it again and login as ‘b:georgia’, ask what is your name and answer is Georgia (as expected, since you explicitly asked to connect to Georgia)
Kill this client Ctrl-C
Run it again and login as ‘c’, ask what is your name and answer is Georgia (which is unexpected, you should have got Harry). The logs in the USER directory also show c as talking to Georgia, which is incorrect.


  [ # 3 ]

I have sent the log files to Bruce, but I did try as you had asked Proneel.  I did not see your results.  Before I started the thread I did start the Linux client in the local mode to confirm I saw the same results.

Thank you!


  [ # 4 ]

I apologize for the slow turnaround. My life has been very busy recently, and I don’t have rapid access and debug tools in Linux.

I have found a bug in source code, that affects Linux and not Windows. I will attempt to release a new version tomorrow, but I only have slow internet hotel wifi so that may not work out.  The code fix is in infer.cpp in the function Query(...)

The first while loop should be:
while (*++control && *control != ‘:’ )

while (*control && *++control && *control != ‘:’ )



  [ # 5 ]

Not a problem.  I definitely understand how things move.  I appreciate the update and will try to make these changes on my system until a new version is ready.  Thank you again.



  [ # 6 ]

but you are way too late. A new version was posted early sunday am


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