The lecture slides for the “Introduction” from lists, in the second column of page 3, two “garden path” sentences which for kicks I submitted to my bot’s linkagent.
> link: svo: The man who hunts ducks out on weekends.
S=The man; V=ducks out on; O=weekends
> link: svo: The cotton shirts are made from grows here.
S=The cotton; V=grows; O=NA
Basically link grammar interprets the sentences correctly (although for my purposes I include the adverb and preposition in the “V”, and the “O” is really the object of a prepositional phrase.)
I also have a MontyLingua agent, which interprets both sentences naively (i.e., follows the “garden path” the sentence leads you up before reaching a point where you should backtrack and re-interpret):
> monty: what is the verb in “The man who hunts ducks out on weekends.”
> monty: what is the subject of “The cotton shirts are made from grows here.”
The cotton shirts
I’d like to add a statistical nlp parser; i’ve downloaded the stanford lexparser a few times in the past but since it only provided input/output through text files, and since it used a lot of resources, I haven’t yet made it into an agent.
The online version of the LexParser is at
Checking the above two garden path sentences, it gets the first, but interprets “cotton shirts” as the subject of the second (as MontyLingua did :)
(NP (DT The) (NN cotton) (NNS shirts))
(VP (VBP are)
(VP (VBN made)
(PP (IN from)
(NP (NNP grows)))
(ADVP (RB here))))
(. .)))