This could be mind blowing and posted here due to the potential to ....“enable people to interact with machines with natural language” part sure of interest to denizens of this forum.
Apple iPhone Assistant- “If the rumors are true, Apple will enable millions upon millions of people to interact with machines with natural language ... We’re talking another technology revolution. A new computing paradigm shift.”
If it is anything like Google voice search (where a huge db of actual audio patterns are compared to find the best match to what the person is saying) it will be mind blowing for sure and could make for some very slick voice based chat bot apps!
“How does it [Google voice search] work? Rather than try to use the phone itself to do speech recognition, Voice Search digitizes the user’s input commands and sends them off to Google’s gargantuan server farms. There, the spoken words are broken down and compared both to statistical models of what words other people mean when they utter those syllables, plus a history of the user’s own voice commands, through which Google refines its matching algorithm for that particular voice.
The tricky part—and the motive for a personalized search app—is that human voices vary wildly between men and women, between young people and old people, and among those with various accents and dialects. By storing hundreds, perhaps thousands of what speech recognition experts call “utterances” by the same person over months of use, Voice Search can better guess at what that particular person is saying. ” REF: