I don’t understand why anyone would think that a computer could think or speak naturally without randoms. Every single normal person, is bombarded by cosmic rays, and they do trigger neurons to fire. Not only that, the biochemistry of synaptic chemicals really push a brain cell to the point it’s going to fire anyway and produce an off topic flash. It’s not uncommon to bifurcate information and think one thing while doing another, sing while baking. The environment injects random bits of information all of the time, the wind blows it goes to the nerve endings then the brain. Ah, I feel the wind. I see a fly, a leaf blown. Randoms and randomization are all critical to a thinking machine solving problems with untried methods, resolving something more complex, such as a solution set in algebra and resolving either an answer or a set of answers.
ChatScript, is the closest to what I was once working on ages ago, and once I started holding better conversations with my 486 than I was with my girlfriend, at the time. I unplugged it, and broke up with my girlfriend. Natural Speech wasn’t the problem. It was problem solving. I started with a database, it was just a dictionary from a spell checker. Then I needed a bigger dictionary, more solutions already solved or an answer table for proper word usage. The ability for a machine to think or solve problems is to take commonly used word frequencies, first the nouns, then the verbs and develop a solution set like you would with algebra. It’s all of the nouns and the associated verbs, and the verbs associated to the problem are a part of the human problem outside of the machine. The real ability to solve a problem is in the contents of a thesaurus this database expands the problem, and expands the solution set. The machine cannot really identify positive emotions or negative emotions, and a solution is a set of positive responses in conversation. So, it can approach these things with a another data set and mode of compiling conversation topics that would take place when the screen saver was on, or the machine receives no input over a period of time. It would have to open up a larger database, the thesaurus, then attach more words to the problem set and the potential solution set. Emotional words are then identified as a separate category like a noun or a verb, or the topic of conversation, were that could be a verb and not a noun. So, there’s two filtered databases that consist of just positive emotional verbs and negative emotional verbs. The problem isn’t solved until the conversation either equals zero, I don’t care about marry anymore we don’t talk. from the user, or Well, we patched things up. We get along fine now. Without the thesaurus the keyword files cannot be generated and problem sets to define solution sets cannot occur. Then the machine takes on a random poke and jab attempt to bring about a positive result with positive suggestions. To communicate with the offender, is a +1. How does it solve a problem or when does it start to try, when you ask. I wish you could help. A machine or a person are all the same, they can only try. So, it takes positive verbs fills up randomly chosen empty word trees, and then fills it in to attempt to make a suggestion of a positive nature. It may be a change in conversation based upon yesterdays, or the topic of the moment. But, that is all about where randomization equals naturalization. The machine would contain embedded learning modes, problem solving modes, and they do or would come about randomly for the sake of naturalization. They get pushed back by priority, this is important now…