If you are using AWS, you might be wondering about the performance difference between
general-purpose SSD versus provisioned SSD.
Well, Provisioned SSD is a lot more expensive and it should be faster.
To test this, I ran a simple regression test, 1000 volleys against each
AWS gs2 general purpose SSD
AWS Provisioned IOPS SSD io1
Everything else was the same. Same code, same machine profiles. It was run using the command console, to eliminate the network impact.
I experienced a 2% improvement for the provisioned SSD.
Based on this test, I do not think it is worth the ssd upgrade if you are using aws for CS.
GS2: Sourcefile Time used 43341 ms for 1214 sentences 5631 tokens.
IO1: Sourcefile Time used 42485 ms for 1214 sentences 5631 tokens
As an aside, I also tested CS 9 versus CS 9.6 and it is about the same.