need some help
I’m trying to call a simple whereis api and it seems to work(ish)
$_url = ^“$_city”
$_userAgent = ^“User-Agent: %bot, ChatScript”
$_header = ^getheader()
$_tmp = ^jsonopen(permanent get $_url NULL $_header)
$_city is in $
however it returns blank
the trace says:
....,..JsonParse Call: {"country": "Ireland"}create ( jo-0 country Ireland x2200 ) Created 215526
....,..JSON response: 200 size: 22 - {"country": "Ireland"}
....,..NOPROBLEM ^jsonopen(permanent) => `jo-0` e.g. ( jo-0 country Ireland x2200 ), - size 1 facts
....,.$_tmp = ^jsonopen(jo-0)
....,.Message: Dublin is in
its looks like its getting it just can seem to index it
what am i missing?