hi! Im a beginner in cs
I want to link the weather api.
Im trying to connect Seoul weather from https://openweathermap.org/city/1835848
The result value of api is
“weather”:[{"id":803,"main":"Clouds","description":"broken clouds","icon":"04d"}],
I just want to use what i want to use here.
This is my weather.top file
concept: ~날씨 NOUN [ 오늘 날씨 한국날씨 오늘날씨 ]
concept: ~지역 NOUN [ 서울시 성남시 수원시 용인시 울산광역시 인천광역시 seoul gangdong-gu ]
Topic: ~WEATHER keep repeat ( ~날씨 ~지역 )
u: ( ~날씨 ) 지역을 먼저 말해주세요.
u: ( _~지역 ) $location = ‘_0 ^keep() repeat()
$_var = ^jsoncreate(transient object)
$_var.fieldname = $myvar
$_var = ^jsonparse(^”{ fieldname: $myvar }”)
$_url = ^“http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weatherq=$location,KR&APPID=5b5548dbbdde086446b1d0f2601c2571”
$_userAgent = ^“User-Agent: %bot, ChatScript”
^jsonopen( post $_url “” $_userAgent )
but result is Jo-t1001
Is the result of api long? ㅠ_ㅠ?
Thanks for the answer!