looking at your log, I see that you ask the same question twice in a row “what is sap” and it answers fine the first time and says “I dont know what to say” the second. Presumably you do not have the topic flag KEEP on your topic, so responders get erased after use. You should enable KEEP for faq-style questions (assuming user might ask same question again).
Similarly you need REPEAT on a topic if you get same answer within 20 volleys.
So I’m guessing “what is capital of alabama” fails because the rule has been consumed.
Your log shows no call to JSON for that input. But the input “who is gandi” does go to json and return, so basic jsonopen is functioning.
Try doing
erase the contents of the USER folder (not the folder itself)
:trace all
What is the capital of alabama
and send me that log if it fails.