This question is motivated by wanting to manually jump to a particular topic via the command line, e.g., when wanting to debug that topic.
Say we have:
topic: ~A []
t: This is topic A
a: () This is the rejoinder
If at the command line I enter
eddie: > :do ^gambit(~A)
it will output “This is topic A” but the rejoinder is not being set for this gambit. So after the next input it does not say “This is the rejoinder.” but rather continues through the control code.
When the ^gamibt(~A) is called within a rule or macro and not via a :do command, the rejoinder is set as it should be.
Note: I can see “**set rejoinder at a: ( ) This is the rejoinder” in the trace when using the :do command, but then when I do :variables I see
%inputrejoinder = null (or the previous rejoinder set before the :do command)
%outputrejoinder = null
Or perhaps their is a better way to manually jump to a particular topic during the debug process?