I was looking at esoteric CS manual and also topic Using Postgres as File Server.
Started CS with command:
./BINARIES/ChatScriptpg local pguser="hostaddr= port = 5432 user = postgres password = somepassword "
Actually i managed to get correct stdout in CS console:
Postgres enabled. FileSystem routed to hostaddr= port = 5432 user = postgres password = somepassword
But checking Postgres server showed me that no users db created and no tables created in postgres DB as well.
postgres=# \c users
FATAL: database "users" does not exist
Previous connection kept
postgres=# \dt
No relations found.
Actually I’ve used Postgres bot, and with it connection was established with the same credentials - so they are correct. Also I installed all packages for postgres which you’ve mentioned in manual. And also changed in pg_hba.conf the local validation from peer to trust.
Could you please suggest what could be the reason?