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Parsing List

"values": [{
"fname": "Neha",
"sname": "Prabhu",
"subjects": ["eng", "bio", "phy"]
}, {
"fname": "Pooja",
"sname": "Naik",
"subjects": ["eng", "chem", "phy"]

How can i parse the inner list (“values”) and outer list(“subjects”) from json in most efficient way?


  [ # 1 ]

by parse do you mean get some access from script?  For an array, you can loop thru contents like this, assuming your json is in $_json variable:
@0 = ^query(direct_sv $_json values ?)
$_object = ^first(@0object)
... do something with this object
e.g. $_object.fname would print out that value


  [ # 2 ]

By parsing, i mean i want to print he values of the json object:

I want the output as “Neha Prabhu opted for the subjects eng, bio and phy”

$$tmp = ^jsonopen(GET $$url “” $$user_agent)
  @1 = query(direct_v ? fname ? 1)
  @2 = query(direct_v ? sname ? 1)
  @2object @1object opted for the subjects

  $subjects = ^jsonpath(.values.0.subjects ^jsonparse( $$tmp ))
  $no_of_subjects = ^length($subjects)
  $count = 0
  $limit = $no_of_subjects- 1
  loop( $no_of_subjects )
^jsonpath(.values.0.subjects.$count ^jsonparse( $$tmp ))
$count += 1
if ($count < $limit) {, }
  if ($count == $limit ) { and }
  if ($count == $no_of_resp ) {.}

I was able to do it using the above code, but instead of using jsonparse I want to use @0 = ^query(direct_sv $_json values ?), how can i do it?


  [ # 3 ]

Jsonopen automatically parses the response into JSON facts so you can reference them directly.
I prefer to not use queries and just iterate normally.

$_tmp = ^jsonopen(transient GET $$url “” $$user_agent)

$_numpeople = ^length($_tmp.values)
$_indexpeople = 0
$_object = $_tmp.values[$_indexpeople]
$_object.fname $_object.sname opted for the subjects

$_numsubjects = ^length($_object.subjects)
$_limit = $_numsubjects - 1
$_indexsubject = 0
if ($_indexsubject < $_limit) { , }
    else if ($_indexsubject == $_limit) { and }
    else { . }
    $_indexsubject += 1

  $_indexpeople += 1



  [ # 4 ]

Thanks a lot Andy Heydon. This was very helpful


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