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ChatBot database design


I have been browsing through some threads of the forum and I found this forum useful for novice like me.

As mentioned, I am pretty new to the ChatBot world and currently I am helping a team design their Analytics platform for one messenger ChatBot. I would appreciate any help/reference about designing the ChatBot log database?
Basically the chatbot is a commerce chatbot platform where based on the query by user the bot will decode it and give recommendation of the products.

Thank you.


  [ # 1 ]

Hello, and welcome to, Vinay! smile

Before we begin a discussion of database design, it would be helpful to get a bit of information regarding your project. Things like programming language/platform and which database solution you intend to use would help a lot, as well as knowing a bit about the intended goals. From there we should have enough information to at least point you in a general direction. wink


  [ # 2 ]

Hello Vinay and welcome to our world!!


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