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Build errors function not found .. how to write a CS function in one file and use in the others?

1.  My chatbot has multiple top files
2.  I created some CS functions and included them in one of the top files.
3.  These functions are used in all the other top files.
4.  When building randomly one of the files is first compiled and if it happens to be the one where the function is used and not included then there are build errors that the function is not yet defined.
5.  If I include the function into the file that is being first built then the build goes through.

The requirement is the following:

I have a set of generic CS functions that I want to define in one file and then use them everywhere.  What is the correct way to do this so that build does not fail?



  [ # 1 ]

I use a folder for my chatbot and subfolders for various areas like control and topics. I have a top level functions top file. The filesxx.txt file explicitly names the path to the functions top file first, and then the paths to the subfolders.


  [ # 2 ]

Bruce, That works perfectly.  Thanks.  Maybe an addition to the Esoteric / Exotica document smile



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