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Linux Server active two bots at the same time

I’m trying to active multiple bots at Linux server.
I could create a new bot (Tom) and build it by copy the file from Harry.
But once I build Tom, Harry is not working anymore.

I tried to “RAWDATA/HARRY/” and “RAWDATA/TOM/” at file filesHarry.txt and build Harry.
But there is still Harry even I login in by Leo:Tom or send a bot name to active a client to server.
How could I active multiple bots?

Another question is that how to decide which one is the default bot.
Any file is about

By the way, how to cancel the spell check when I created my own concepts?
Thank you for your kindly help!!


  [ # 1 ]

Sounds like you copied the control script but didnt rename the second bot definition to a different name.
You’ll see in the scripts a definition for defaultbot which names harry as the default bot.
You can cancel spell check by in your bot definition, assgning $cs_token to the appropriate value


  [ # 2 ]

Actually I rename all harry to tom in

outputmacrotom()  # you get tom by default

$cs_control_main = ~control
= ^"%user: >"
$botprompt = ^"TOM: "

tabledefaultbot (^name)
createfact(^name defaultbot defaultbot)

And add RAWDATA/TOM/ into filesHarry.txt.

According to your document, it should active both bots by these steps.
Anything I missed?

Or I should keep only one in Harry?
And add outputmacro: tom() into Harry’s



  [ # 3 ]

It’s weird that it could work now by login username:botname.
But I can’t call the bot by php command.
I will try it later…

So if I’d like to have Harry as default bot.
I should delete below code in Tom, am I right?

tabledefaultbot (^name)
createfact(^name defaultbot defaultbot

When I build Tom, I receive below msg: 介 is not a known word. Is it misspelled?
How could I solve it?
Add it into dict?
or how to cancel the checking?


  [ # 4 ]

1)  the defaultbot table should exist only once, presumably keeping Harry.
2. You want only one copy of the control script, except you want the outputmacro: tom() function (doesn’t matter what file it is in).
3. :build xxx nospell SHOULD have blocked spelling warnings, but had a bug, will be fixed for next release
4. or You can add your character into concept: ~morestuff NOUN NOUN_SINGULAR ( 介 ) to add it to the dictionary


  [ # 5 ]

Thank you, Burce.

Now I build bot Harry and Tom.
There is no control file in Tom’s folder but only topic files.

I could use client command logging in with username:TOM.
But it’s weird that only “Leo” could call TOM.

Please find below log

ServerPreleo (TOM怎 麼 賣 Nov 14 09:02:25 2016
user:leo bot:TOM ip: (~iii1146 怎 麼 賣  ==> 1  When:Nov14 09:02:25 21ms Why:~iii.4.0.~control.9.0 

leo (TOM多 少 錢 Nov 14 09:02:25 2016
user:leo bot:TOM ip: (~iii1147 多 少 錢  ==> 2  When:Nov14 09:02:25 1ms Why:~iii.5.0.~control.9.0 

andy (TOM怎 麼 賣 Nov 14 09:02:52 2016
user:andy bot:TOM ip: (~iii0 怎 麼 賣  ==> No such bot.    When:Nov14 09:02:52 0ms ~control.9.0 

andy (TOM多 少 錢 Nov 14 09:02:52 2016
user:andy bot:TOM ip: (~iii0 多 少 錢  ==> No such bot.    When:Nov14 09:02:52 0ms ~control.9.0 

And in log-andy.txt

No such bot  andy TOM 怎 麼 賣 statusharry   in topic_andy_tom.txt at 0: ^tom
No such bot  andy 
TOM 多 少 錢 statusharry   in topic_andy_tom.txt at 0: ^tom 

  [ # 6 ]

Start with the basics.  Run ChatScript locally, not as a server. Does running CS and typing on the login prompt

You could email me your files and I could try them out.


  [ # 7 ]

Both bots actived, Tom and Harry.

There are filesTom.txt and Tom’s topic.
filesHarry.txt included RAWDATA/HARRY/ and RAWDATA/TOM/

:build Tom
:build Harry

And it works!

But why would last post happened? (No such bot?)


  [ # 8 ]

one does not separately build the bots.
Your filesharry.txt file should cover BOTH directories
and you just do
:build Harry

The way you did it, tom is built and discarded when you then build harry


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