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execute action with rivescript

Is it possible the let chatbot perform an action based on certain results he returns?

I was thinking of puttng a JSON string into the rive file:

+ (hello|hi|hey|howdy|hola|hai|yo[*]
{"id":1"txt""How are you?"

And then parse it back into a JS object.

var reply rs.reply("soandso"text);

Then according to the id it executes an action that I want. Is there a better way to do it (with rivescript or maybe with another language)?


  [ # 1 ]

I’ve heard of people coming up with their own OOB (“out of band”) solutions for RiveScript, one of which had them writing code like this:

// This line is put in one time per file at the top of each file
local concat newline

+ (hello|hi|hey|howdy|hola|hai|yo[*]
Hi there!

And then you could parse it back out, like

var reply rs.reply(usernamemessage);
lines reply.split("\n");
data {};
for (var 
1lines.lengthi++) {
var parts lines[i].split(":");

The first line in the RS makes it so every ^continue command gets put in with a “\n” line break in front, and then the JS code splits the result by line breaks and parses all the extra metadata lines into an object.


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