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Print JSON to a file

If I have a JSON object or array,

I found ^jsonwrite() to print it to the outputstream.

The only function I found to write to files is ^export.

Playing around I found that I can print it with some overhead like this:

$$jsoncontent = ^jsonwrite($$jsonobject0
createfact(JSONFILE JSONFILE $$jsoncontent)
= ^query(direct_sv JSONFILE JSONFILE)
export(myjson.txt @3


^export(myjson.txt @3object

doesn’t seem to be working.

So how can I just write pure JSON, without any overhead, to a file to parse it in some other application?


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  [ # 2 ]

exactly what I was looking for, thank you.
I found this function is only described in the debugging manual. Maybe it would be helpful to add a reference to this function in the system functions manual, too. smile


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