I am going to organize my Botanswers in JSON, so I don´t make use of the direct output, but collect my output and create a json struct at the end of each volley.
I don´t want to call a function each time I write an answer
u: (some input) ^addAnswer(...)
So right now I have to first generate my outputstream, then analyze it, create my json structure based on it and then use ^reviseOutput() to insert my json structure instead.
So what I need is some kind of function to redirect output to a variable.
Then I would be able to do the following:
u: (some input) ^changeOutputStream($$someVariable)
This is some text.
and afterwards the content of $$someVariable would be “This is some text”.
This would make using json as the default way to communicate with an application a lot easier.
As far as I know a feature like this doesn´t excist yet.
So this thread could be understood as some kind of feature wish.
Would this feature be easy to do, Bruce? What do you think of it?