I am recently thinking of making an android app with certain description
“My task seems simple but it is little bit tricky. In my android app i have two users “admin” and “user”, both can chat with the bot like a virtual assistant , but “user” can ask questions to bot about programming let’s say and if it don’t know the answer , bot will notify admin to answer the question to bot , after question is answered to bot by admin , answer is learned by bot and notified to user , I am developing the android mobile app using cordova and bootstrap 3 .In the meanwhile both can chat with bot as a friend or assistant etc” question also asked at stackoverfow
Obviously the above description is just a high level view of what i am think , but problem that i am facing is what to do and what not , i am pretty confused.
What technologies i should learn , or be concentrated on , and anyone can help me kick start the process ? Thanks