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Integrating chatbot with a database

Is there any possibel way to make chatbot obtain data from a database server and use the
same to reply along with the output pattern?

or anything similar available…?


  [ # 1 ]

CS supports postgres queries.


  [ # 2 ]

thank you


  [ # 3 ]

start by reading the postgres chatscript manual in DOCUMENTATION/ESOTERIC.
There is also a postgres bot in Rawdata you can try to start with.


  [ # 4 ]

thanks a lot


  [ # 5 ]

I tried to work with postgres server but I could not establush the connection with the server

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  [ # 6 ]

How to run the default postgres in chatscript?

Please convey how it is executed.

I understand from,that it works similar to normal .top file but look for data in postgres database.


  [ # 7 ]

so… have you looked at the code in the PostGres bot in RAWDATA?  You have to fill in the details of your own server login.


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