I haven’t tracked down the exact details yet, but with CS6.2 I occasionally have the topic_user_bot.txt file reset after a build of the bot.
By reset I mean that apart from the first 2 lines, which I think are correct, the rest of the file is.
#`end topics
#`end variables
0 #set flags
#`end fact sets
( trent defaultbot defaultbot )
#`end user facts
#`end user
#`end chatbot
So that includes the standard global variables along with the context and history.
I didn’t work with version 6.1d long enough to notice anything then. Before that I was using 6.0 and never saw this issue, and I was certainly building the bot very frequently.
The last line (I am reporting this just after an occurrence of it) of bugs.txt is
level1 inconsistent
but I’m not sure if that was generated at this particular time, but it must be close because the previous line is about a typo in a function name that I had just made and corrected.