If I go and fetch the following JSON string from a remote web service
{"8758665P2f":{"surname":"McKenzie","forename":"Scott","preferredName":"Scott","fullName":"Mr Scott McKenzie"}}
and parse it, then it gets turned into the nice set of facts:
create ( jo-1 surname Mckenzie 0x12110 ) Created 216982
create ( jo-1 forename Scott 0x12110 ) Created 216983
create ( jo-1 preferredName Scott 0x12110 ) Created 216984
create ( jo-1 fullName `Mr Scott McKenzie` 0x12110 ) Created 216985
create ( jo-0 8758665P2f jo-1 0x14110 ) Created 216986
The only problem is that the value of the surname property has been normalized (the uppercase K has become lowercase).
Is there anything I can do to influence the parsing to stop this from happening, or do I have to change the service to quote the value in the JSON string?
I note that the property names/verbs are not normalized.