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How to connect LinuxChatScriptpg64 to PostgreSQL on AWS RDS service? 


I would appreciate any help with using PostgreSQL on AWS RDS with ChatScript.

I am running ChatScript on EC2 server and I can run ./LinuxChatScript64 that came precompiled in the downloadable package and connect to PHP chat script served by apache2 (all on Ubuntu 14.04 x64).

I have also started PostgreSQL database on RDS and would like to use LinuxChatScriptpg64 - any ideas how to pass DB parameters (endpoint, master username and password) to make it work?

Many thanks



  [ # 1 ]

There is a postgres chatbot that ships with CS in the RAWDATA/POSTGRES folder. It illustrates connection to a server like this in

u: (open)  if (^dbinit( dbname = postgres port = 5432 user = postgres password = somepassword )) {db opened}
    else {dbinit failed - $$db_error}


  [ # 2 ]

Thanks Bruce, thats a great start for me! Any idea how wuld I pass endpoint (hostname) to the database as its not local?

Many thanks indeed



  [ # 3 ]

CS calls the postgres api: PQconnectdb- see:


  [ # 4 ]

PostgreSQL 8.1 is a very old version and unless you have a particular reason for referring to that version, the current version 9.4 is a much better choice.


  [ # 5 ]

same api.  I have no particular concerns over which version


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