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Remapping Concepts in Chatscript to mnemonic names

The documentation states

FactSet Remaps
Factset names like @1 are not mnemonic. You can “rename” them as follows:
define: @authors @5—whenver the system sees @authors, it will use @5
You can do this within a topic (limited to it) or outside a topic (globally thereafter).

I tried the define statement above and below the topic line using all lower and mixed case and get a build error.


topic: ~XXPARSE Keep Repeat Stay( xxparse )

define: @SentenceWords @1
define: @CanonicalSentenceWords @2

  line 6 of Expecting responder for topic ~xxparse, got define:
  line 14 of OUTPUT-4 bad factset reference - @SentenceWords=
  line 22 of OUTPUT-4 bad factset reference - @SentenceWords

What exactly is “inside” a topic and “outside” of a topic?
Did the command change names or the syntax change since the documentation was created?



  [ # 1 ]

typo error now fixed….
it is rename:  not   define:

ignore statement about inside and outside a topic. no longer applies.


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