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A little bug on output processing?

With the intent to help make CS better and better, I’m reporting an output line formatting issue I just hit.

As show in the screen, somehow CS skipped outputting the variable $obj in the first output choice (red circles). Only by including that variable in ^pos, I can get it printed! (Circled blue at the bottom.)

Simple stuff. Guess not likely I did something wrong…


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  [ # 1 ]

a raw variable at the start of an output choice is used to control whether that choice is taken.


  [ # 2 ]

you could do ^”$var” as a way around it


  [ # 3 ]

I see and thanks for the the way around.

But still don’t get it. Could you kindly give an example to show why we need such control and how it works?

Many thanks again.


  [ # 4 ]

u: (I love apple)  if ($gender == male) {$$male = 1} else if ($gender == female) {$$female = 1}
  [$$male Guys don’t like apples usually.] [$$male I didn’t know guys liked apples.][$$female A typical girl food][$$male I don’t know any other guys who like apples][ I like apples too]

select random output based on conditions


  [ # 5 ]

Got it, sir. Many thanks.


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