I’ve added some mac and swig goodies to the ChatBrains project on GitHub (https://www.chatbots.org/ai_zone/viewthread/1698/).
1) Xcode project that you should be able to point to the latest CS source on your machine and compile targets for the chat script server and a shared libraries wrapped up in swig for a few of the languages it supports. It can also create a mac shared library bundle for using CS in Unity3d. Note: you need to not import the evserver directory source as this will not currently compile on mac due to using sys/epoll.h . Most people don’t use the evserver anyway, no harm in removing it. I just import src for all the targets then remove the evserver directory link.
2) Swig interface definition files for a variety of platforms and languages with generated source. You should be able to use what’s in these directories to both generate the library for your platform/language and also compile and test it. Enjoy!