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To disable auto-capitalization at line start?

Looks like CS always capitalizes the first word of an output line. How can I output a variable in its raw content without being capitalized?

For example,
:do $v=park $v
will always get

‘$v and ^”$v” and ^pos() all won’t help.

Many thanks.


  [ # 1 ]

You can control response processing by setting $response in your bot definitiion macro.  By default the value is #ALL_RESPONSES
#define RESPONSE_UPPERSTART   0x00000001 // start each output sentence with upper case
#define RESPONSE_REMOVESPACEBEFORECOMMA 0x00000002 // remove spaces before commas
#define ALL_RESPONSES ( 7 )

But… why are you not wanting it to the user?


  [ # 2 ]

Thanks Bruce.

I want it as the default output process. But I also want to output the raw line sometimes. Seems there is no mechanism for such control like the ’ notation?

Many thanks.


  [ # 3 ]

If you mean you want to output a line without uppercase start and another line with, on the same output. Then no. What is your actual use case.  You can certainly decide to turn off uppercase for a volley and turn it back on for the next


  [ # 4 ]

Got it sir. Many thanks.


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