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chatscript erasing i

How can I match “I feel sad” but not “you feel sad” or “he feels sad” etc.

I had pattern (I feel sad) but I get warning: Essentials.txt erases i anywhere in input and it doesn’t work.


  [ # 1 ]

I would need to see the log file of the build since I get no such message nor would I expect such. And probably the actual source file that had that in it (or some reduced case).  You can send that data to my email.  WHAT I WOULD expect is that your pattern was
(i feel sad) 
ie, in lower case. And then systemessentials would indeed warn you that such a match would not happen because i would always be uppercased to I.



  [ # 2 ]

You are correct, I was using lower case i. That resolved my issue.  Thanks


  [ # 3 ]

Fyi, I was confused by this statement in the Basic User Manual:

And normally words in patterns should be lower case unless they are proper names, but the system can manage that if you do it wrong.


  [ # 4 ]

Understood. I will fix the manual.  The pronoun I is, of course, unusual, because it is is actually always uppercase. normal nouns are not, except at the start of a sentence, and in a pattern you never uppercase to reflect sentence start (usually your pattern doesnt even have to be at sentence start and it is chatscripts job to decide whether uppercasing something is meaningful or not, and most chat comes in as all lower case anyway)


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