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Using Pandorabots for robot control

Hello community!
My name is Jens. I am working on a robot project (Elias, model InMoov) using the Superbot/Alicebot to control him.
A small Python-script runs at MyRobotLab open source software and starts different services. From here on the superbot takes over and controls motors/servos/cameras and other services like openCV for facedetect or just opens a webbrowser.
Started to use AIML about 4 month ago and it’s a challenging language.
I have found quiet some helpful information here on this site and would like to share my knowledge as well.


  [ # 1 ]

Hi and welcome, Jens. smile

Thank you for the links. I’m sure that they’ll prove useful.


  [ # 2 ]

Actually, the first link says I’m not authorized to user it.

Welcome to Ai Zone!  I have similar interests as you, so maybe we can compare notes over time.


  [ # 3 ]

Sorry, this link should work:


  [ # 4 ]

Very cool. I also like the mouth’s design. It’s well shaped and sufficiently mechanical in movement and appearance to not touch the uncanny valley.


  [ # 5 ]

Thanks for the nice welcome.

I’m working on an auto-response at the moment. Done in AIML and Python.
E.g. no input for 5 minutes and he responds with “I am bored”, 10 mins = he starts talking about the weather, 15 mins and the facedetect starts, 20 mins = he turns off. Any input in between will reset the value/sequence.
Trying to add some more features.


  [ # 6 ]

I see lots of versatility with this robot.  The demo on page 2 in front of the fireplace was exceptionally nice too!

3D printing has a future in Open Source robotics. Thanks for sharing!


  [ # 7 ]

Awesome videos by Masta Blasta:

- InMoov & MyRobotLab: learning moves by talking Part I

- InMoov & MyRobotLab: AIML learning moves Part II

- InMoov & MyRobotLab: AIML learning moves Part III

- InMoov & MyRobotLab & Pandorabots: learning moves Part IV

- InMoov & MyRobotLab & Pandorabots: Auto response Part I

- InMoov & MyRobotLab & Pandorabots: Auto response Part II

See also my quick and dirty webpages:

- 100 Best InMoov Robot Videos |

- 100 Best MyRobotLab Videos |


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