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Disable text-2-speech

Is there any way to do this? I looked in System function and Debugging docs but couldn’t find a method.


  [ # 1 ]
Anoop Alex - Mar 1, 2015:

Is there any way to do this? I looked in System function and Debugging docs but couldn’t find a method.

From Bruce’s post in an earlier thread.

You can disable voice by any of the following:
1. remove talk.vbs from cs directory
2. remove code in the entire topic ~XPOSTPROCESS
3. saying “shut up” to it
4. adding into the outputmacro: harry() in simplecontrol this line
  $shutup = 1


  [ # 2 ]

Further question - where is the ~XPOSTPROCESS topic?  I want to add support for the native Mac ‘say <text>’ command.


  [ # 3 ]

in the control script.


  [ # 4 ]

oh geese, I totally missed it.  First place I looked.  I must be going blind.


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