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Web interaction

Does chatscript have any support for requesting a webpage and parsing it? or maybe just calling a program that can do that for you and then parse the output of the program?


  [ # 1 ]

Estoteric Folder/External Communications:

Does chatscript have any support for requesting a webpage and parsing it?:  ^tcpopen

maybe just calling a program that can do that for you and then parse the output of the program?:  ^popen


  [ # 2 ]

I’m looking at the code in External Communicationspdf below and don’t understand why $$junk is defined but not used?

topic: ~tempinfo system repeat keep()
u: (!$$currentCondition)
$$start = findtext($$tmp $$pattern1 0)
$$junk = findtext($$tmp ^”\”” $$start)
$$currentCondition = extract($$tmp $$start $$findtext_start )

u: ($$currentCondition)
$$start = findtext($$tmp $$pattern2 0)
$$junk = findtext($$tmp , $$start)
$$currentTemp = extract($$tmp $$start $$findtext_start)


  [ # 3 ]

probably because $$junk should be $$findtext_start, finding the beginning and ending of something. Not that I’ve double checked, but that’s what I’d expect.


  [ # 4 ]

Are saying thats an error in the code? That extract should be extract($$tmp $$start $$junk ) ?


  [ # 5 ]

equivalently.  You might want to consider what findtext and extract do.


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