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CS4.8 extends response contexts

ChatScript has always had rejoinders, that can react to new input based on the last output of the chatbot. Now CS automatically tracks rule labels that generated output, back for 4 volleys. You can make rejoinders depend on that context using ^incontext(label). E.g.
t: DAUGHTER()  I have a daughter
  a: (what is her name)  Rosalinda.
?: (<< how old >> ^incontext(DAUGHTER) ) She’s 4.
It can also be used to avoid using gambits that won’t work out of context. Eg.
t: EIFFEL() I love the Eiffel Tower
t: (^incontext(EIFFEL)) It is really tall.
t: Have you been to the Eiffel Tower.
You can say the above 2 gambits in close promixity, but if the user dragged the chatbot off into some other topic for a while, if you return to this topic, it would be confusing to say “it is really tall” because there is no context. The system will skip this gambit and move on to the next.


  [ # 1 ]

Great! The anaphora! The Colby Sys had a similar feature. Extremely useful.


  [ # 2 ]
Bruce Wilcox - Oct 26, 2014:

ChatScript has always had rejoinders, that can react to new input based on the last output of the chatbot. Now CS automatically tracks rule labels that generated output, back for 4 volleys. You can make rejoinders depend on that context using ^incontext(label). E.g.
t: DAUGHTER()  I have a daughter
  a: (what is her name)  Rosalinda.
?: (<< how old >> ^incontext(DAUGHER) ) She’s 4.
It can also be used to avoid using gambits that won’t work out of context. Eg.
t: EIFFEL() I love the Eiffel Tower
t: (^incontext(EIFFEL)) It is really tall.
t: Have you been to the Eiffel Tower.
You can say the above 2 gambits in close promixity, but if the user dragged the chatbot off into some other topic for a while, if you return to this topic, it would be confusing to say “it is really tall” because there is no context. The system will skip this gambit and move on to the next.

great feature!

just downloaded 4.8 version and tried it.

just please correct:

?: (<< how old >> ^incontext(DAUGHER) ) She’s 4.

?: (<< how old >> ^incontext(DAUGHTER) ) She’s 4.
took me a few minutes to figure it out why it didn’t worked for me in the begining.



  [ # 3 ]

Thanks, Bruce. Great feature. I’ll download the new build ASAP. Can we change the number of volleys it tracks?


  [ # 4 ]

Not currently. Convince me you need to be able to.


  [ # 5 ]

Well 4 just seems such an arbitrary number. Why not 8? But I have no need. It’s your software, so ofcourse you can do as you wish.


  [ # 6 ]

you ever tried to reference something 8 volleys away? that’s prehistory


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