I tested this out successfully and will share my example.
I copied the folder ..\Chatscript 4.7\RAWDATA\HARRY to ..\Chatscript 4.7\RAWDATA\HARRYCLONE
I copied the file ..\Chatscript 4.7\filesHarry.txt to ..\Chatscript 4.7\filesHarryClone.txt
I changed the contents of filesHarryClone.txt to the following:
# underlying conversation system
# quibble ability
There is a file “simplecontrol.top” in ..\Chatscript 4.7\RAWDATA\HarryClone\
Edit the file. Replace the word “Harry” with “HarryClone”
The top of the file has the following lines showing the replaced bot name.
# this function is executed once for every new user chatting with harry
outputmacro: harryclone() # you get harryclone by default
$control_main = ~control
$control_post = ~XPOSTPROCESS
$userprompt = ^”%user: >”
$botprompt = ^“HARRYCLONE: “
table: defaultbot (^name)
^createfact(^name defaultbot defaultbot)
In the same file “simplecontrol.top” add the following statement to the first line after the main () topic:
$$response = %response
The following shows the statement in relation to the other preexisting rows in the file:
u: () # main per-sentence processing
$$response = %response
$$currenttopic = %topic # get the current topic at start of volley
Replace every instance of “%response == 0” with “%response == $$response” in the file.
(I also replaced every instance of “%response != 0” with “%response != $$response” in the file, although I am not sure about that.)
What this does is change the logic from saying
“if the response is zero then do this”
“if the response is still the same as what we started with then do this”
When you start Chatscript then you need to build HarryClone by typing:
:build HarryClone
This way you can have one bot that is standard and another bot that processes multiple sentences.
I have tested the changes and these changes work.