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ChatScript 4.1 Released- multiple coordinating bots

ChatScript has always supported multiple bots on a server, but each chatted with the
user separately. This release allows bots a shared context, allowing them to jointly learn information and be aware of what the other bots have done.


  [ # 1 ]

From a glance at the docs it wasn’t clear if you could dynamically define which set of bots you wanted to talk to. It would be very useful if there was a way you could do that for a conversation.  This would mimic the way real life conversations have dynamic participants.


  [ # 2 ]

Partly it would depend on how you script it.  You can certainly specify what bot you want to talk to. And there is a “shared context” that all bots have access to. So it would probably depend on which information went into shared, and which was available only to bots currently in the conversation.


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