> http://www.meta-guide.com/home/ivr-agents
I’ve asked Richard Wallace a number of times for examples (case studies) of people who have tried using IVR with AIML, so far without luck. I have also asked a number of IVR companies how to use IVR with AIML chatbots, such as Pandorabots; they said it was not possible, and that ASR (Automatic Speech Recognition) must be used instead. However, I’m not at all convinced this is true; if you look into how IVR actually works, via IVR “grammars”, those grammars appear remarkably similar to AIML pattern recognition. It seems to me there is just a modest “adapter”, or “transducer”, missing to marry IVR with AIML… and in turn open the world of PBX and telephony to the likes of Pandorabots, etc. I’ve also just updated my “100 Best IVR Videos” page, below.
> http://www.meta-guide.com/home/about/best-of-the-best-videos/100-best-ivr-videos