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NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..

Version 3.81 last of 2013

New documentation on bots Harry, Stockpile, and NLTK (new bot for natural language utility processing).

New paper “Winning the Loebner’s”

new functionality to allow you to associate 32 bit values with any dictionary word and a walkdictionary function to browse the dictionary for values (used in natural language toolkit functionality).


  [ # 1 ]
Bruce Wilcox - Jan 1, 2014:

New documentation on bots Harry, Stockpile, and NLTK (new bot for natural language utility processing).

New paper “Winning the Loebner’s”

new functionality to allow you to associate 32 bit values with any dictionary word and a walkdictionary function to browse the dictionary for values (used in natural language toolkit functionality).

Below is a table for Ben (ESL bot for SpeakGlobal), Suzette (for <a href="" class="term">Avatar</aReality), Tom Loves Angela
(for Outfit7) and Rose (for ourselves).
Ben10K rules 25 hours 30%gambits 37responders 33rejoinders
16K rules 32 hour 24gambits 52responder 14rejoinders
16K rules 20 hours 15gambits 49responders 36rejoinders
11.3K rules 10 hours 11gambits 71responders 18rejoinders 

Interesting reading. Can you estimate how many manhours went into the creation of each bot?


  [ # 2 ]

No, I cannot answer the exactitude of your question. The bots were created under diverse circumstances. Suzette was built in conjunction with defining Chat-L (ChatScript’s precursor) and was recoded into ChatScript at the last minute, while Ben was coded in conjunction with the ChatScript engine. TLA was done in a single burst, but Rose and Rosette were done as fill-in tasks.

But I can answer the spirit of your question- how long to create a chatbot these days. ChatScript ships with a 3.5K rule quibble segment, which bots inherit. So Rose would be about 8K new rules.  I estimate 1K rules takes about 20 hours, so Rose would be 160 hours to create now.


  [ # 3 ]

Thanks Bruce. Like you I don’t think I could put a precise time on how long it took to make Skynet-AI. But, I have been thinking about doing some new bots and I am always interested in what others estimate bot creation takes.


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