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segfaults and more

Hiya Bruce,
I hope you are well, I’ve been off doing non-bot stuff for quite a while and now that summer’s over I decided to get back to working on Inga. I’m working with 3.71 and going through the tutorials since it’s been so long since I worked with CS. Working on an HP G62 64 bit running Debian Wheezy. I downloaded, unzipped, set permissions for both LinuxChatScript32 and 64, then spent a few days rereading the manuals (I LOVE the planning addition btw, perfect for my robot methinks).

Anyway, the wife and kids decided to give me some time to myself and I started running through the stuff in the basic users manual to knock the rust off my skills and familiarity. Ran into a couple of odd problems and thought I’d seek your guidance.

When running LinuxChatScript64, things go well just so long as I don’t ask “what are you afraid of” with or without a ? mark. When I ask that one question, she throws a segfault and dumps. Starts right back up, works fine, but just don’t ask that question, throws a segfault every time.

So…. I thought I’d run LinuxChatScript32.  I’m getting “no such file or directory.” Double checked the permissions, ran ls to see if the file showed up (it does) but when I try to run it with ./LinuxChatScript32 local, no such file or directory.

regards, Richard


  [ # 1 ]

Wait…. ignore me for a bit, I think I’m using old manuals. Let me double check everything before you slap me and call me dummy.

regards, Richard


  [ # 2 ]

Okay, first change:

Since Debian Wheezy, ia32-libs has been deprecated. Not sure if that applies to all Debian based distros like Mint and Ubuntu, but it probably does. One needs to:

sudo dpkg—add-architecture i386
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libc6:i386
sudo apt-get install lib32stdc++6

and then LinuxChatScript32 can run. Haven’t done anything with it yet, wanted to get this posted.

regards, Richard


  [ # 3 ]

For now I’ll stick with the 32 bit CS. It did know who I was on first run, so I’m presuming whether I use 64 bit or 32 bit they read the same log files. No segfault for “what are you afraid of” in 32 bit.

Are you still in Jolly Olde?

regards, Richard


  [ # 4 ]

I have added your lib install notes into the manual. I am in San Luis Obispo, CA.
I will try out your sentence and see if I can blow 64 bit here.


  [ # 5 ]

your test sentence works for me on 64- amazon ec2 machine.  I’ll be likely releasing a new version late this weekend. Try that one and see if it still segfaults on you.  Welcome back to botland.


  [ # 6 ]

Thanks for the welcome back. The golf bug bit me again this summer plus a LOT of changes at work, but the cooler weather and a lidar for cheap brought me back. grin Just for giggles I did a complete reinstall of CS, same same. And yes, I’ve been away awhile, what the hell is amazon ec-2? I googled it, and I get that its their cloud service, but do I sign up for my own and install CS there, or do I go into yours? A clue, a clue! My neighbor’s kingdom for a clue!

regards, Richard


  [ # 7 ]

I don’t have Linux. To build and test, I rent an amazon cloud machine. ALSO I have my own chatbot publicly available as a server on the website.  If you wanted your own bot to be publicly available and had webname, you could use it on an amazon rental machine free for a year with low usage).  There is a doc in cs on hosting on an amazon machine.


  [ # 8 ]

Great, thanks Bruce. As always your patience is amazing.

regards, Richard


  [ # 9 ]

Out of curiosity, Bruce, why not create a virtual machine on your local computer and install Linux on it? My computer hosts 6 VM’s, 4 of which are different distributions of Linux. If you use VirtualBox, the setup and install is rather easy, and is far more convenient that accessing an OS via the Internet. (at least I think it would be… cheese )


  [ # 10 ]

because previously for a different project, I already had access to a 32-bit amazon machine hosting chatscript.
And I needed a machine for my own website, so its a 64-bit one.  And going and figuring out how to run virtualbox and install Linux vms on my machine is more time than I want to spend on that task. which is also why I haven’t yet tested your PHP script.  I have to create an environment to test it in…. a bit of effort for me.


  [ # 11 ]

Don’t spend any time on this bug Bruce. I though 3.71 was the latest version, just downloaded 3.72 and the segfault no longer occurs. Reading the change log, I suspect it was the fix you made in the pattern matcher.

regards, Richard


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