Hiya Bruce,
I hope you are well, I’ve been off doing non-bot stuff for quite a while and now that summer’s over I decided to get back to working on Inga. I’m working with 3.71 and going through the tutorials since it’s been so long since I worked with CS. Working on an HP G62 64 bit running Debian Wheezy. I downloaded, unzipped, set permissions for both LinuxChatScript32 and 64, then spent a few days rereading the manuals (I LOVE the planning addition btw, perfect for my robot methinks).
Anyway, the wife and kids decided to give me some time to myself and I started running through the stuff in the basic users manual to knock the rust off my skills and familiarity. Ran into a couple of odd problems and thought I’d seek your guidance.
When running LinuxChatScript64, things go well just so long as I don’t ask “what are you afraid of” with or without a ? mark. When I ask that one question, she throws a segfault and dumps. Starts right back up, works fine, but just don’t ask that question, throws a segfault every time.
So…. I thought I’d run LinuxChatScript32. I’m getting “no such file or directory.” Double checked the permissions, ran ls to see if the file showed up (it does) but when I try to run it with ./LinuxChatScript32 local, no such file or directory.
regards, Richard