I have written the following rule:
#! Is Mnajdra Temple really the oldest structure in existence?
u: (<< be [Mnajdra mnajdra] [“oldest” “most ancient”] >>) aaa
Now in theory, this should work. However, :prepare demonstrates that there is a tokenizing issue preventing it from verifying properly. Here is a screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/ZyMwYUl.png?1
In summation:
is : mainverb
mnajdra_temple_the : mainsubject
structure : mainobject
existence : object2
How can I get it to tokenize in a manner where mnajdra is isolated? I’ve tried creating a concept like so:
concept: ~mnajdra (Mnajdra mnajdra)
But it doesn’t fix anything. Any suggestions? I apologize if there is an obvious fix that I’m missing.