I just launched wnbot.com as an alpha pre-release intended for use on a temporary basis for test use only. Especially since this may be a new idea, python php hybrid. So testing is needed to find out if there is a strong enough foundation to build on. It is unknown whether this may advance beyond light duty. That will take more work, but it is so much fun to build a virtual DOS PC chatobt simulation on a website.
The interface theme is vintage IBM PC with a green screen monochrome monitor and a slow processor. There are some panels to make function calls to wordnet on the first page. And there is a second page with a classic Eliza chatbot.
The first phase was to get wordnet and classic Eliza together on the same domain and coded in a common language so they may play well together. The second phase planned is to teach wordnet to Eliza. As a simple chatbot system, Eliza should be able to make function calls to wordnet. The third phase may be to swap classic Eliza for a more advanced heavy duty chatbot system.