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NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..

Chatbot for android

I need help in creating a chatbot for android, more specifically how
can I integrate AIML file an android project.
Is it possible to integrate AIML file in android, how can I do it?

I’m using Eclipse to develop android projects.

Thank you in advance!


  [ # 1 ]

If you do not want to reinvent the wheel then you might like this, as it has already been done.  That’s hacker rule number one wink


  [ # 2 ]

Pandorabots CallMom is by far the best option for AIML on the Android mobile platform….


Pandorabots CallMom


US Version of CallMom - Google Project Hosting


Chatbots 3.2 - Richard Wallace - Phone Actions with AIML - pt1of2


Chatbots 3.2 - Richard Wallace - Phone Actions with AIML - pt2of2


  [ # 3 ]

Thanks for help, but I need java cod that connects my android app with pandorabots server.


  [ # 4 ]

I used this.  Mileage may vary….


  [ # 5 ]

Basically, what you need is JAVA code to send an HTTP request, and then parse the returned XML. There are literally hundreds of scripts out there, all written in JAVA, that can do that. The vast majority of us here don’t have all that much experience with the language (including myself), but the basic principles are the same in almost any language. Stack Overflow has several questions relating to this challenge, many of which should provide you with enough information to at least point you in the right direction. smile


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