Hello, Mark, and while it’s verging on VERY late to be doing so, please allow me to welcome you to chatbots.org
I’m not going to make excuses for your being ignored here. George Washington once said that it’s far better to offer no excuse than to offer a bad one, and there’s really no excuse for your post, and more importantly, your question, not to get the attention it deserves. I know why I didn’t respond at the time. I was still in pretty bad shape after a motorcycle accident, and while I was back at home at the time, I was still dealing with a lot of pain, and the post just “slipped through the cracks”.
I’m sorry if you feel that you were being “looked down on”. Please believe me when I say that this is not the case. There are a LOT of folks here who aren’t “programmers”, with our forum’s founder, Erwin, being a prime example. Usually, if someone posts a question, comment, or some other type of entry, especially if it’s a new member, and if nobody here knows just how to respond, it falls to one of the moderators (namely, me) to try to “make sense” out of the post, and to welcome the new member to the forums. Sadly, I dropped the ball this time, and I take full responsibility for it. I hope you can forgive me for this unfortunate incident.
I’m afraid that I can’t answer your original question without some additional information. Would you be willing to tell us where you found this chatbot? It sounds like it would be well worth investigating.