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NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..

Windows XP - local or server?

I’ll have my bot on a public computer for data collecting. I’m gonna have a “guest” account open and anyone can enter anything. No logins or unique users. The PC will be available for a couple of weeks for public use.

I’ll be given an old PC with XP. Its old enough to struggle with vista or 7. Can I run ChatScript there?

I want to set up the program such that no one can enter :commands or edit anything. (I’ll lock everything else from windows.) Would that prevent me from having a stand-alone implementation even if I erase the “authorizedIP.txt” file?

Any further advice is very much welcomed. (e.g. should I invest time in a GUI)



  [ # 1 ]

Sure, you can run chatscript under XP.

If you are asking can you run stand-alone and server simultaneously, with stand alone having :command access…

I will change chatscript so stand-alone mode never cares about authorization.  Here is a patch for you:
in testing.cpp line 345, make it look like this
if (server && authorize && !VerifyAuthorization(FopenReadOnly(“authorizedIP.txt”))) return true;
Then you can launch a server and run a local copy of the exe at the same time.

A gui for what?  The user will interact with the server via a browser webpage? (a gui)


  [ # 2 ]

Since its only one PC and I’m not experienced with running server stuff in windows, the plan is to have it only run in stand-alone. And since the plan is to lock everything else in the PC, I was hoping that erasing the authorize file would prevent users from entering :commands.

I haven’t written a gui. I’m thinking of just having a command window open. I hope that’s not a bad idea. If the user can’t access :commands, I expect that would also prevent quitting the application and having access to DOS commands. ...unless ChatScript crashes… Though I’ve never seen it crash unless its a :command issue, which will be blocked.


  [ # 3 ]

OK. if you are just putting your pc physically out there, alter the contents of the authorize.txt file to:

instead of the all it is now.  That will disable commands.

With only a command window open, NOTHING prevents the user from forcing it closed and thus killing off your app.

but you can always check it daily and restart it i suppose.


  [ # 4 ]



  [ # 5 ]

So, with the PC physically out there running in localserver mode, where do I specify the option “userlog”?

Thank you


  [ # 6 ]

it should be at the same time on the command line when you made it a server.  E.g.,
chatscript userlog port=1024


  [ # 7 ]

I just open the included LocalServer batch file which already specifies nouserlog


  [ # 8 ]

then you want to make a copy of it, which removes “no” from the parameter and use your copy.


  [ # 9 ]

Well that was easy.
Obviously didn’t even know I could do such a simple thing. smile


  [ # 10 ]

the opportunities for learning things is endless.


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