> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SaaS
a software delivery model in which software and associated data are centrally hosted on the cloud
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_service
a software system designed to support interoperable machine-to-machine interaction over a network
= = =
I would like to talk a little about what I love and hate in both chatbot software as a service and chatbot web APIs. I’m also keen to hear similar opinions from others. I’ll try not to bash our colleagues by name, but will try to praise them! ;^)
Basically, a chatbot SaaS is a cloud based service that functions more or less the same as it would on the desktop, in terms of GUI. The advantages are that you don’t have to screw around with Windows, Mac or Linux versions, much less bloating hardware issues.
Instead of a “user interface”, a web API is a “programmatic interface”, for instance for machine-to-machine communication in the looming “Internet of Things”. I’m not sure there are good examples of chatbot web APIs yet, at least not well documented or commercial ones. Two of the best sources of information on the role of web APIs in cloud computing are the http://programmableweb.com (@programmableweb) website and the http://gluecon.com (@gluecon) conference.