I just want to suggest something for the forum.
The “membership score” should be different, now it measures activity, has yet no grounding on how fast the member react, on what quality of text he post, even on the agreement of all the forum’s community.
As I like to make hybrid measures, who may represent better the “score” or a forum-poster (many social measuring theories are about this) I make a suggestion:
Add some grades 1..5 “recommend” or “I like this post” button including “I don’t like this post” (check http://www.CodeProject.com, it has a good measurement system)
Even you can add some word, to describe the post-quality to letter include the more frequent as a drop-down box to tag the posts better.
The amount of influence on the “post score” and his author’s score should be proportional to the “voter’s” score also, it’s no use that a newbie like me do a harsh critic on a good post from another, nor that a ‘smart-ass’ who always do silly critics and swears around (raising actually his score) knocks down a good reflection or thought.
This is simple math, I can help with the modelling (contribute to it), despite don’t eliminate the actual score, just change the “outcome” like senior/etc. the internal score may not be show able, but the influence and the quality arising on this interaction will be astonishing good, believe me!
This will lead you to classify better the posts, letting the newbie (like me) navigate accurately into the more interesting (voted) threads.
Also the classification not is like a tree (as any other forum), and it collapses fast in meaning-coherence if it is not well designed (like I think this is) don’t panic!,
But it doesn’t lack of design, its a pitfall of the human mind!
So I can make (at least try) to make some suggestion to help in classifying the posts automatically, aided by a social motor.
Here is the core idea:
You start not from scratch, but from the actual labels, add them a “explanation” (moderated but with suggestion-ability) and put them into a drop-down box, with clicks on each item (select-ability), or arrange them dynamically on top of each post, with a clickbox. Then each member who reads the post, may vote and even may vote for a change (or addition) of the classifications of this post, which may not be unique, like humans think (multi-classified). Leaving also a box to add a suggested category, and explanation of it (to avoid ambiguities, like a synset-sense in Wordnet) moderated of course, So ¿What are the benefits?
You can then navigate in many dimensions, inside the post, and to “similar” categorical posts, chronologically ordered, and even collapsing the “least relevant” posts.
Also you may navigate from the top of the woods, not by tree branch but in an ‘intelligent’ way, by letting the user type the subject(s), and do a semantic-(relevance+pertinence) weighted search inside the threads, and present him the best posts on this subject, to jump right into the best+most-voted post.
Even better, you may filter each post using NLP (very little) and make a information extraction, like keywords, so you may also classify automatically the posts based on the user-classification, but this is more complicated but I think its worth, so may be a user may navigate a cloud tag, instead of a post-thread.
I share this ideas with you to contribute a little bit, because I did it inside my bot’s logical mind-structure, to dynamically classify the dialog-actions of prior prior conversations, and the result are astonishing! hope here this can yield the same outcome!
Hope this helps best regards.
Andrés Hohendahl