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Research Tab feedback

The research tab is a great new addition to the site.

But, I do have some suggestions.

News tab:
Do not include any event that is not from the current year. Items from 1993 hardly qualify as news in a new index. Having events from 2004 on the front page made me think the things on the 35 other pages would be even more stale. As a start, sort all of the events by event date, not when it was added.

Papers & Jounals
Add a publication date to the article overview. It would allow me to see which info is most current without looking at each article. Sort the tab by publication date.

Consider extra filters:
Sort by date
Current - things that have just happened or will happen in the next 6 months.

This tab felt like just a list of universties. That is of little value to me and I don’t know how it relates to What I hoped for was links to AI/computer graphics/brain research/information technology departments. Maybe something similar to what is in the Publishers Tab.




  [ # 1 ]

This feedback is really valuable! Many thanks for this, Ken!

News tab: You’re right. We’ll change this. We also have entered some events in the past to provide an overview of the history of our field (some events are already in their 17th annual edition and most of the non-academic people will never have heard from it). We’ll anti date those events so they will no longer appear on the home page.

Papers: you’re completely right! Weird we never thought of this.

Journals: journals don’t have a publication date: it’s a series

Unversities: currently it is just a list, I fully agree, but actually this is one of the big secrets on the research tab. When you’ll visit your account page, you’ll discover that you can assign yourself to a university. If you also upload books & papers, the contribution score of your unversity will increase. But that’s something that will be become clear in the future as we promote this area in the academic world. But we’ll add a line to clarify this right now. What do you think about this:

This seems to be just a university list. But watch out! This will soon show a reputation index on unversities within all subareas of humanlike conversational AI!

Events: we’re working on it actually, some things we can hopefully finish the coming days.


  [ # 2 ]

Interesting about the universities.

I might have started with it blank, or just added those with AI related departments and then added the reputation and show only those that have a rep.


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